Sunday 3 July 2011

Grace and Christianity

Is Grace to be found in faiths other than Christianity?
Answer:I was at a house meeting when the host suggested that, "Grace is God's riches at Christ's expense". He then went on to announce that the difference between Christianity and other faiths is, Grace.

I find this position somewhat insulting to the great spiritual understanding and expressions in other world faiths.

The Longman's dictionary defines Grace as, "unmerited divine assistance given to human beings for their regeneration or sanctification… a virtue coming from God".

Although the word “Grace” is not often used in other Religions the concept will be found. In Grace there is no link between how it is bestowed and whether it is deserved. It relates to how God can provide inner calmness to us that transcends worldly pain and suffering. This calmness is abundant in many Religions for example the feeling of Bliss in the Hindu Ramakrishna belief.

If you also consider the deeper meaning of sanctification and how the human race is set apart for a special purpose, this idea is widespread throughout other religions. For example Manmohan Singh who translated the Sri Guru Granth Sahib into English and Punjabi tells us “Blessed blessed is the Lord incarnate Guru who has very mercifully bestowed this unique service unto me”. This shows he is sanctified through Gods grace to carry out his work.

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